
You’re only as old as you…..

You’re only as old as you…..

You may have seen a bit about the woman in red on the left of the picture in various posts on your Facebook timeline. If you haven’t, (from The Independent) her name is Ernestine Shepherd, she wakes up at 2.30am, embarks upon a 10-mile walk and then heads to the gym...

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Lifting is the new running for the over 40’s!

Lifting is the new running for the over 40’s!

In the Telegraph a couple of weeks ago there was a great article about the numerous benefits of weight-training/lifting - especially if you are over 40 and I've been saying this for a loooong time. As I'm getting older, along with other exercise modalities, continuing...

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It all starts in the mind (Part 1)

It all starts in the mind (Part 1)

Do you ever wonder what is holding you back from achieving or maintaining a slim, fit, strong and healthy body? (And no it’s not your age!). Do you know why you go back to the same old ways, feeling like it’s a constant struggle to stay on track to achieve your goals...

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It all starts in the mind (Part 2)

It all starts in the mind (Part 2)

As the Albert Einstein quote goes “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Helping my participants become aware of their beliefs and behaviours that aren’t beneficial to them (and how to change them), is...

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Do You Consider Yourself an Athlete?

Do You Consider Yourself an Athlete?

This is applicable to men and women equally but it is usually girls and women who need to be encouraged more to think of themselves as athletes. Sport for both boys and girls was a normal way of life growing up in New Zealand, for me there was never any sense of not...

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Make 2018 YOUR year with goal-setting 101!

Make 2018 YOUR year with goal-setting 101!

Have you set or are you in the process of setting your goals for 2018? The old saying, “fail to plan, plan to fail” is very true, goals need to to be written down and a plan to move towards them set out. The goals may change somewhat as you move towards them but you...

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Why we need nature….

Why we need nature….

As you know, I’m a massive fan of getting out and about in the great outdoors for the combined benefits of exercising, getting some fresh air and reducing stress. Now it's been scientifically proven that nature offers one of the most reliable boosts to our mental and...

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Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman (aka Diana Prince) - a gloriously badass breath of fresh air wrote one Guardian reviewer and I have to agree! Gal Gadot is magnificent in the role and totally owns it. Not only is Gal stunningly beautiful but she also looks fit, strong and athletic (and...

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The Top 10 Morning Rituals

The Top 10 Morning Rituals

I've written previously about how getting a great morning ritual going then gets you set-up and ahead for the day. So which person are you? A. Do you set the alarm with plenty of time to ease into your day, get organised, do your morning ritual (including eating...

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Are you confused to what is the best diet…?

Are you confused to what is the best diet…?

I've had this question time and time again from my clients and friends, "what is the BEST diet?" and I always answer, "it depends", for the following reasons: • What are your nutritional needs? Taking into account your activity and current stress levels. • Then what...

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10 Awesome Health Benefits of Sunlight

10 Awesome Health Benefits of Sunlight

It's that (marvellous!) time of the year again here in the UK, when the days start getting longer and the days (mostly) get warmer. We had an amazing weekend before Easter where it got up to 25C - although it was a bit hot, not used to that kind of heat this early in...

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You don’t have to change the world….

You don’t have to change the world….

You don't have to change the world, just change the day of one person in it! In this week's article, I wanted to touch on a subject close to my heart - helping others. Whether that be with money, time, ideas or energy, giving also connects us to others - creating...

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What has your liver ever done for you?

What has your liver ever done for you?

In this week's article, we are going to get a bit deeper into the workings of a specific organ in the body - the liver. It is so essential to our health and well-being, so when you know what your liver actually does, it's easier to spot when it's not working at it's...

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So this detox thing….

So this detox thing….

Detoxing has had a bit of a bad rap in the Press in recent times and I agree with some of the points they make. But, as per usual, things get taken out of context and sensationalised to get noticed and provoke a reaction. If you do a Google search on the subject, it...

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It’s all in the mind

It’s all in the mind

This is more of a personal article today on some quite profound (yet subtle) changes I've been through in the last few weeks. Hopefully, with sharing my story, it will help you to also push through any limiting beliefs you may have with your nutrition and training....

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What’s holding you back?

What’s holding you back?

Part 2... So what small daily habits did I make that had such an impact on my fitness, energy and motivation to get sh*t done? Straight after the mindset seminar with the Academy of the Body (AB), I started Lazo's (my new mentor) "Win the Morning Routine" of breathing...

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Monkey madness – The Chimp Paradox

Monkey madness – The Chimp Paradox

Now, I'm going to take an educated guess that what most people are talking about this week is the U.S.A election result, all I can say is wow - we (UK people) are not the only ones able to hit a spectacular "own goal"! Which leads me nicely into this week's article...

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Yin Yoga – What’s all the fuss about? 

Yin Yoga – What’s all the fuss about? 

So what's all the fuss about? I did a Yin Yoga class recently run by Sports Fit with the lovely Rachel Caffarate teaching the class and can definitely recommend it! I found this great article in The Guardian (abbreviated) that gives a great explanation of what it's...

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How to look and feel younger….

How to look and feel younger….

Ah sleep, when we process information, consolidate memories and is essential to our wellbeing. I've covered the Benefits of Sleep in a previous article, so today I will focus on actually getting a good nights sleep. Do you have trouble switching off at night, getting...

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Health benefits of Vitamin D

Health benefits of Vitamin D

In the northern hemisphere, it's that time of the year when we get less of that big yellow ball in the sky and the accompanying benefits of the sun's rays in the form of vitamin D (also known as the sunshine vitamin). Sun exposure has had a bad rap up until very...

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Most of us have insufficient levels of this….

Most of us have insufficient levels of this….

What do constipation, period cramps, anxiety and insomnia have in common? Magnesium insufficiency or outright deficiency. Now I'm not saying that is the only cause of these conditions, but the addition of magnesium-containing foods and supplements does help to correct...

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What is Shackleton’s way…?

What is Shackleton’s way…?

I came across a book recently that piqued my interest, "Shackleton's Way" by Margot Morrell and Stephanie Capparell. It's a book primarily on leadership lessons but reads like a real adventure story and I can totally recommend it for both! Sir Ernest Shackleton was in...

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The Top 5 Reasons to Cut Back on Alcohol

The Top 5 Reasons to Cut Back on Alcohol

So now that summer fun is (mostly) over and you are re-setting your weight-loss/fitness/health goals (delete the non-applicable one/s) coming into September, what do you think is one of the easiest way for you to improve all of those parameters? For most people, it's...

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What is the compound effect…?

What is the compound effect…?

There is a great book by Darren Hardy called The Compound Effect which is applicable to all aspects of your life but is especially relevant to making small changes consistently in regards to - fat loss/changes in body composition, fitness and lifestyle to live a...

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Why The Biggest Loser Sucks!

Why The Biggest Loser Sucks!

Now, apart from the negative connotations of the words "biggest" and "loser", what image does that title bring to mind? For me, it's those poor people who's weight (for whatever reason) has escalated out of control, being deprived of food (extremely low-calorie diet)...

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12 Top Goal-Setting Tips

12 Top Goal-Setting Tips

You need to be clear on what you want and then taken action to make that dream/goal a reality. In my own experience, I've found that I haven't always reached the original goal I had in mind but ended up somewhere else (probably where I was meant to be in the first...

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Will you reach your goals…? 

Will you reach your goals…? 

To follow on from last week's effective goal-setting strategies, I thought a section from Brendan Burchard's online course - 'Your Next Bold Move' would be appropriate. It is called the 'Goal Predictor Assessment', if you score high, then you are more likely to make...

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Creating good habits….

Creating good habits….

For anyone who is wanting to keep moving forward in life, personal development and mastery is key. One of the early books I read was Stephen R. Covey's "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" (Powerful Lessons in Personal Change), which I found incredibly useful at...

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Pump it up!

Pump it up!

As I mentioned last week, I'm a massive fan of 'proper' weight training for a multitude of reasons. There is something pretty cool about being strong for your everyday life, especially for women. This means the simple things like carrying the groceries and opening...

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