Screen Shot 2017-05-24 at 11.53.06I’ve written previously about how getting a great morning ritual going then gets you set-up and ahead for the day. So which person are you?

A. Do you set the alarm with plenty of time to ease into your day, get organised, do your morning ritual (including eating breakfast) and get to work relaxed and in plenty of time?

B. Do you sleep to the very last possible minute then scramble out of bed, no time for breakfast, rush out the door and arrive at work stressed and feeling out of control?

C. Do you mostly have things under control in the mornings but can get off track or your ‘Win the Morning’ routines are a bit haphazard, depending what is going on in your day/what time you start work?

I’ll be honest here, for the most part, I go between B & C and I have had to create a whole new morning routine with moving house. Going from a small apartment to a house spread out over three floors took some new configurations!

Life being what it is, we can’t always control events outside of us, so sometimes our days don’t always go according to plan. But if we can start our mornings in a way that sets us up to have a great day, we’ve got a good head start! So go to bed a little earlier the night before and set the alarm 10-30 minutes earlier in the morning. Here are my top 10 morning rituals to do every day before 10 am, they won’t take long and can be easily fitted into your morning routine, plan them in and feel the difference!

The Top 10 Morning Rituals


Meditating or even some simple breathing exercises can help you begin your day with a sense of calm. Instead of reaching for your phone or checking your email first thing in the morning, take just a few minutes to sit and experience the quiet.


Start your day by reflecting on what you are grateful for. A consistent practice of gratitude in the mornings will bring a greater feeling of happiness and relaxation, as well as more to be grateful for.

Set Intention:

Use the morning to plan your day by focusing on three goals you want to accomplish.


Your body awakens dehydrated, so it is very important to drink up first thing in the morning. Starting the day with a Hot Lemon will set you up for the day. Water throughout the day helps to flush your system of toxins, get your bowels moving, leave you feeling less hungry and reduce headaches from dehydration.

Stretching/Mobilisation & Breathing:

You will be hard-pressed to find anytime who doesn’t wake up feeling a bit stiff. It isn’t always easy to incorporate exercise into a morning routine, but if you were going to choose one thing, adding a short muscle-stretching sequence of exercise to your morning schedule (like yoga Sun Salutations) would be greatly beneficial.


Music makes you feel good, starting your day with upbeat and fun music will not only wake you up but it will fill you with positive energy for your day.


Start your day off by smiling at yourself in the bathroom mirror. Smiling will have a positive effect on your overall attitude and well-being (even when it starts out a little forced!). Smiling makes you more approachable, appear more trustworthy and it will also make you a more effective leader.

Clean Up:

Life is busy and morning routines can be a bit rushed, meaning that it can be very tempting (when you are running behind), to leave your clothes on the floor, dishes in the sink and rubbish to go out later. It will make you feel so much better and start the day with a feeling of accomplishment to leave the house tidy – just do it!

Hard Task 1st:

It might seem enticing to get a load of easy things checked off your to-do list, but it has been shown time and time again, that doing your hardest task first, leads to a more productive and happier day. It also eliminates procrastination….

These are the kind of things my clients learn when working with me, how to transform their bodies and their lives – to be healthier, happier. Contact me today “here” to learn more about how I can help you look fabulous, feel fantastic and love the body you are in.