Screen Shot 2016-01-20 at 09.10.19You need to be clear on what you want and then taken action to make that dream/goal a reality. In my own experience, I’ve found that I haven’t always reached the original goal I had in mind but ended up somewhere else (probably where I was meant to be in the first place!) but would never have got there without the original aim in the first place.

12 Top Goal-Setting Tips

1. Take stock of where you have been, what worked and what didn’t – clarity breeds results. For example, review 2015’s achievements and learnings before setting 2016 goals.

2. Get creative, clear the clutter, get a pen and paper out and start brain-storming with yourself about what you want, in all aspects of your life – Body/Health, Relationship/s, Career, Finances and Lifestyle. WRITE THEM DOWN!

3. Regularly look at your goals, ideally twice a day, and review your progress, weekly and monthly.

4. Tell other people about your goals and find someone to be accountable to, the person who will give you the hard word if you don’t do what you said you would!

5. Make your goals SMART – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound.

6. To prevent yourself from being overwhelmed, break your goals down into smaller, attainable goals. Like climbing a mountain, you can only reach the summit by going one step at a time (unless you fly in on a helicopter, but where is the sense of achievement in that? 😉 )

7. Adjust to reality. If some major crap is going down in your life, realise that certain goals may not be achieved in the time-frame you had in mind. So, deal with what things have thrown you off course, then re-adjust the deadline for your goal and aim get back on track as soon as you are able to.

8. Forgive yourself when you don’t reach all of your goals every single time. This isn’t about letting yourself off the hook, recognise that, for whatever reason, some goals got derailed. Dust yourself off, reset and keep moving forward – even if it’s baby-steps, you will get there in the end.

9. Take action and do the work to make your goals happen, your goals don’t work unless you do. There is no point sitting back and wishing your goals will become reality, that’s called dreaming! Work out what action needs to be taken and do it.

10. Let your goals stretch you. Things you want out of life should push you beyond your comfort zone. The life lessons you learn along the way of achieving these goals will help you grow into the person you want to become – the better version of you!

11. Don’t fall into the compare and despair trap! These days, especially with social media, it’s very easy to fall into comparing your life to other people’s (seemingly) amazing lives. Everyone is on their own journey and has their own battles that they are fighting, don’t let jealousy or comparison halt your progress.

12. Surround yourself with positive people who have their own goals they are making happen and who believe in you and your ability too! Remember, this is an on-going process, not something you do once then hide away in a drawer.

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