Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at 18.30.08As the Albert Einstein quote goes “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

Helping my participants become aware of their beliefs and behaviours that aren’t beneficial to them (and how to change them), is exactly what I went through at Homefield Grange Detox Retreat on my recent Mindset and Behavioural Change workshop – “How to Transform Your Body & Your Life!”

The participants learnt that a precursor to the Laws of Transformation are:

1. Everything is learned, nothing come naturally.
2. Human beings are creatures of habits.
3. We are not thinking machines that feel, we are feeling machines that think.
4. It’s easier to change your psychology through changing your physiology.
5. Your body hears everything you say!

In part of the process of changing behaviours and beliefs, we delved into the instigators of behaviour which are embedded in our subconscious programming. To do this, we went through the following process:

1. Body & Life Review – find out where your starting point is and what it is going to take to reach your goals.
2. Values – discover why your top values are in the 10areas of life.
3. Goals – create a link between your values and your goal (Fitness and healthy living are on the way not in the way).
4. Motivation (the kick-start) and inspiration (your reasons WHY that keeps you going).
5. Conditioning – changing your self-image. Consistently do the daily, healthy habits to get (and maintain) the desired result.

I find it fascinating to see what comes up and insights people have when they take the time for themselves to figure out where they are at, how they got there and most importantly – where they want to be.

The participants learnt that to change their lives they needed to take personal responsibility for where their life is at right now and how they got there. It is only then that you have the power to change the narrative. The rest of the article from Amy Morin the psychotherapist and author outlines how to change your negative beliefs about yourself.

Challenge Your Conclusions:

Take a look at the labels you’ve placed on yourself. Maybe you’ve declared yourself incompetent. Or perhaps you’ve decided you’re a bad leader. Remind yourself that you don’t have to allow those beliefs to restrict your potential. Just because you think something, doesn’t make it true.

The good news is, you can change how you think. You can alter your perception and change your life. Here are two ways to challenge your beliefs:

• Look for evidence to the contrary. Take note of any times when your beliefs weren’t reinforced. Acknowledging exceptions to the rule will remind you that your belief isn’t always true.
• Challenge your beliefs. Perform behavioural experiments that test how true your beliefs really are. If you think you’re not good enough, do something that helps you to feel worthy. If you’ve labelled yourself too wimpy to step outside of your comfort zone, force yourself to do something that feels a little uncomfortable.

With practice, you can train your brain to think differently. When you give up those self-limiting beliefs, you’ll be better equipped to reach your greatest potential.

How Your Thoughts Become Your Reality

These are the kind of things my clients learn when working with me, how to transform their bodies and their lives – to be fitter, stronger, healthier and happier. Contact me today “here” or email to learn more about how I can help you look fabulous, feel fantastic and love the body you are in!