Screen Shot 2016-06-08 at 06.21.32There is a great book by Darren Hardy called The Compound Effect which is applicable to all aspects of your life but is especially relevant to making small changes consistently in regards to – fat loss/changes in body composition, fitness and lifestyle to live a healthier and happier life.

The compound effect in action is positive habits applied consistently, the principle of reaping huge rewards from a series of small, smart choices – slow and steady wins the race!

Now, even though the eventual results are massive, the steps to getting there don’t feel very significant. They are usually so subtle and offer little or no immediate result (reward) that most people get tripped up by the simplicity and don’t bother to stay the distance. What they don’t realise is that these small, seemingly insignificant steps completed consistently over time will create a radical difference.

For example, if you want to lose bodyfat and decide that one way to get started is to eat smaller portions of healthier food BUT haven’t lost any weight after three days, most people do one of two things:

• They do a fad/extreme diet like “Slimfast” to see something move on the scales (not sustainable and creates unhealthy yo-yo diet habits, so NOT something I recommend!).
• They think “stuff it” and go back to your original eating habits and move further away from their goal.

There is however, a third option – yes, employing the compound effect!

Now I can also let more “off-track” food creep in at times (“off-track” meaning food that isn’t in line with my life goals of being healthy, staying trim and having lots of energy). This results in me moving away from where I prefer to be and so have to reset myself too. The way I do this it to check in with these habits to see if I am doing them consistently:


• Exercise for at least 30 minutes
• Stretch daily
• Drink at least 8 cups of water
• Eat at least 3-4 one cup servings of vegetables
• Follow the 90/10 Rule with food intake
• Sleep at least 8 hours (including naps and night-time sleep

Do you want to create some habits to achieve your healthier lifestyle goals? Then start with the easiest one here, do it consistently for the next two weeks (to make it habit), then the next one etc.

These are the kind of things my clients learn when working with me, so contact me today “here” or email to learn more about how I can help you look fabulous, feel fantastic and love the body you are in!

Speak soon!